SSR brief set up
Let us see briefly how to set up a simple React JS website with server-side rendering using Express.js. The configuration steps are along the following lines:
- Create a new folder for the React app.
- Install the dependencies like Babel.
- Configure the dependencies installed and set up the packages used by the server.
- Move all the code to the client directory and create a server directory.
- Create basic server code with express.
- Transpile all the code
- Test the server code.
- Configure webpack or any module bundler.
- Build the code.
- Test and debug.
express + react 搭建基本的 ssr 服务
react 基于 ssr 的 api
renderToString() vs renderToStaticMarkup() 可以返回一个 react 节点的 html 但是 renderToStaticMarkup 返回的原始 html 没有 data-reactroot 这样的标签
import express from "express";
import React from "react";
import { renderToString } from "react-dom/server";
var router = express.Router();
const Home = ({ msg }) => {
return msg;
/* GET home page. */
router.get("/home", (req, res, next) => {
const html = renderToString(<Home msg={"hello"} />);
css 的引入
对于下面这样引入的css代码,es module 是并不能支持的
import './style.css'
import style from './style.module.css'