impose 利用,欺骗;强加;
prevalent 流行的;
constituent 构成的;
CI/CD are continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment.
predate 早于;
prefix, infix, postfix 前缀,中缀,后缀;
shroud 隐藏;笼罩;寿衣;
cutting-edge 尖端;
wire up 给...接通电源;
contrive 设法促成;故意使用的;
disseminate 传播;
monopoly 垄断;
indie 非主流的;
fiddle 虚度时间,乱搞;
grudge 嫉妒不情愿;
grudgingly 不情愿的;
code of conduct 行为准则;
pledge 誓言;
portfolio 代表作品;
scam 骗局;
business scenario 业务模式;
incubator 孵化器;
employee referral 内推;
extravagant 奢侈的,挥霍的;
inviting 引人入胜的;
ploughman 农民;
solicitor 初级律师;
lace frills 蕾丝边;
opulence 富足;
pouting mouth 撅嘴;
- benediction 祈祷 祷告
- benefactor 捐赠人
- beneficiary 受益人 life insurance
- enamored 被喜爱的,倾心的
- amorous 非常相爱的,彼此迷恋的
bell (war)
- antebellum 战争前的
- bellicose 好战的,侵略性的
- belligerence Aggressiveness
- rebellion 反叛
Pac (peace)
- pacific ocean (most peaceful ocean cause it is so calm)
- pacify 使缓解,使平和
- pacifist 和平主义者
- pace 与什么不一致[1]
crim (sin)
- criminology 犯罪学
- decriminalize 使合法化
- incriminate 控告
- recrimination 反控
prob (to prove)
- probation 缓行
- approbation 认可,赞许
- probate (the handling of estate when someone is died)
- reprobate 不道德的人 (相关的动词 reprove means 谴责 to condemn)
grav (gravity, heavy)
- grave 沉重的
- gravitas 庄重
- gravitate 向
- aggravate 加重的
- alleviate 减轻
- elevation 电梯
- cantilever
- levity 轻浮 (exactly like gravity but pulling in the opposite direction)
[1] 与常用的 pace 读音不一样,用斜体区别。